Drive-Thru Distribution – Registration Required!
Join us at CityWalk’s "The Barkery Dog Park" for a special Drive-Up Distribution designed to support your furry family members (FAMs). We’ll be providing dog food, and cat litter to ensure your FAMs are happy, healthy, and well cared for.
Event Details:Date: December 21, 2024
Time: 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM 24hours clock
Location: CityWalk’s "The Barkery Dog Park," 815 24th St N, Birmingham, AL 35203
Registration Information:
Registration Deadline: Register /Apply before December 21st, 2024.
Current Participants: Must register for this event to receive supplies. Link: Register Here
New Applicants: Must apply for services. Application Link: Apply Here
Event Procedures:
1). Register online before December 21st, 2024.
2). Drive to CityWalk’s "The Barkery Dog Park" during event hours.
3). Stop at the designated check-in area and show your ID to a volunteers. This ensures the product(s) goes to the right PAWS.
4). Complete the sign-in process.
5). Volunteers will load supplies into your vehicle.
6). Carefully exit the area following traffic directions.
Photos & Stories: To remain eligible for events, participants must submit photos and stories showcasing their FAMs enjoying the distributed products. Send submissions to
Event Photography: Photos and videos will be taken at the event for promotional purposes.
Please consider spaying or neutering to help control overpopulation and reduce unnecessary euthanasia due to overcrowded shelters.
Eligibility: If you received assistance through our DoorDash delivery program or other distributions provided in December 2024, you are not eligible for this event, as this is considered double distributions, which violates RESCUES ON85TH'S policy.
Stay Connected:
For questions or additional details, Waggle us an email at or visit our website at
Don't forget to Subscribe where you can stay up-to-date with upcoming events and notifiations of specialty products such as those featured in our FAMTROPOLIS page.
We look forward to seeing you and supporting your FAMs Furry Family Members!